“So take my strong advice…just remember to always think twice!” –Michael Jackson
It was the evening of July 17, 2009 when we learned that the legendary journalist Walter Cronkite had passed away at 92. I agree, the nation suffered a loss. Journalists wish they could be even 25% as great as he was; but Cronkite gave the news, he didn’t make it. Go ask someone in Madagascar if they know who Walter Cronkite was and they will look at you like you’re stupid. But I bet they can perform the routine to Thriller. Regardless, less than 24 hours after the death of Walter Cronkite, “President” Obama appears to have knocked his poor wife Michelle down the White House staircase trying to get to the video camera in order to tape a statement about Cronkite. Yet, he never issued a formal statement about the death of the most famous person in the world, Michael Jackson. Hell, Cronkite died just before 8PM Eastern Time and the White House had a written statement out before midnight the same night.
Anyone see a problem here? Anyone noticing the Manchurian yet? http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi2012480281/ Somebody check and see if Air Force One is stocked with Cup a Noodles or crack, cause Smokey Chops is on some serious bull$hit now. Just watch…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdjXYUxEcD0 [Warning, if you love Michael Jackson -this $hit’s gonna really piss you off.]
Its kind of like when one of your elders tells you that something ain’t right because they have an achy ankle or their gout starts acting up for no reason. Something like a premonition, but not quite. More like something just isn’t kosher, yet you can’t put your finger on it.
I knew it then.
Then was the day that I voted for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential primary. Oh yeah, I am BLACK as they come (so Black I'm blizzack), but I didn’t vote for Obama in the primary. Something wasn’t right. It was a feeling in my motherfu*king ankle. I knew that every politician is a politician and that means untrustworthy. At least with Clinton, I knew what I was getting. But it doesn’t matter if you add color, can’t find where they cheated on their spouse or give them two cute kids, a wife and a Portuguese Water Dog - they are all pandering hypocritical liars by nature.
Now I did try to shake the feelings I had about this dude. When Hillary lost in the primary, I ended up voting for him (as if I had a choice when he ran against those two Republican kooks). I didn’t say anything about his first 100 days. I didn’t judge him when he sped past the reasonable amount of time in which to say something about any issue, to the “got-damn Negro” are you gonna acknowledge that North Korea is firing shit off or not? I kept my mouth shut! But no more dammit! No more!
Perhaps you have already read my coverage on Obama’s lack of proper protocol and down right bad manners in the wake of Michael Jackson’s death. If not, take two of these and get back after the break…
Through my sorrow, sadness and tears that came with the passing of the most famous talent ever to walk the earth (that would be MJ), I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the “President” had not made any official statements about Michael’s death.
Then, when he finally did make his shady on-camera disingenuous comments, they came 7 and 11 days later. And boy, were his comments “heartfelt”. Not! He called Michael Jackson’s music “stuff.” He made sure to include a negative whenever he was gracious enough to possibly sound like he was giving Michael Jackson a compliment. He sat there in the chair giving the "interview" looking and sounding like Silly D. Williams without the wavy hair. (He probably wishes he had naturally wavy hair though, then he wouldn’t have to sleep with a doo-rag on like normal b-folk do.)
The unified excuse from all the "Obamanators" was, “he’s got more important things to do.” Really, So on June 26, 2009 he had more important things to do like this? Oh no wait, wasn’t he trying to give amnesty to all the illegal aliens that day?

What's so got-damn funny?
WASET: “Tha fu*k you mean ‘one’ of the greatest entertainers? Nobody has or will top Mike. Do you not get that?”
here. Michael Jackson was like my cousin. Yeah, that odd cousin, but cousin nonetheless.Walter Cronkite was the man in the TV! I guess you never closed your eyes and let the rhythm get in to you”
and email, before cell phones and cable, he was the news.”
1 comment:
I love it! Right on!
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