Too Short
The New Ni66a
Well, it happened. May 1st - (better known as Illegal Immigrant Demand Day) came and went with what appeared to be several hundred thousand people protesting in the streets of America in support of illegal immigration. Confusing? Yeah, I know it is, but be strong.
What really baffles me though is how people who aren’t even supposed to be here in the first place can have the audacity to start demanding shit from the people who are supposed to be here. Word on the street has it that some people at the protests were even spotted wearing shirts that said: “I’m Illegal, So What?” So what? You said it yourself - you’re illegal! Presumably, the issue is not that cut and dry, but before I delve deeper into the situation, let me point out a few positive things that came out of the May 1st day of protest.
1. There was a lot less traffic on the way to the office!
2. Black people finally got to work on time.
3. At the mall for lunch, I sampled just how few Black people had jobs. I counted seven (7).
4. Black students finally got some attention from their teachers – in English.
5. A Black person cooked my food at the soul food place I went to for dinner.

“We as black people have faced unjust laws just like the Mexican community,” said Jeremiah Muhammad, 33, a member of the Nation of Islam. “They can’t divide the families. I can definitely sympathize with that because we as black people lived through the same things. I feel an obligation to stand with them.”
'Muhammad and others fear that if undocumented workers are to be classified as felons, as called for in a U.S. House proposal, families will be broken up as illegal mothers and father are jailed and possibly sent back to their country of origin while their children U.S. citizens by birth, stay stateside.'
What in Sam’s hill is he talking about? I think Jeremiah is worried about the wrong shit if you ask me. The black family unit is a red hot mess and he’s worried about the plight of the illegal alien family structure. I wonder if he will come to my protest when I hold a candlelight vigil to call for the end of Black people smoking crack, loitering in front of liquor stores and being lazy and shiftless. C’mon Jeremiah, join me.
Is it just me or is it stupid for people to get mad at the U.S. for having laws against illegal immigration when the countries that these people are coming from also have laws against it? You can’t just walk your ass into El Salvador and think you’re going to just start working in the pupusa factory. Hell, if an “immigrant” wants to work in San Salvador, he better have his AIDS test. You’ve got to prove you have been tested for HIV before you can get the okay to start selling sandals or putting up drywall over there. Oh, but not here in the USA. Here, you are free to sneak in with hoof and mouth disease and then immediately start cooking food at the San Diego Olive Garden. Help me; I’m confused!

Here's a really odd question. Why didn't they try marching at home first? Wouldn't that have made more sense? Coming to the U.S. to march is like me saying: "Damn it all to hell! You can have America. I don't need to fight for my rights as a citizen. I'm leaving and going to Dubai and demand citizenship there." That ain't gonna happen by the way.
“But this country was built by immigrants.”

Let’s just be honest for once in our menial little lives. We know this issue stems from the White man’s greed and his need for the indentured servitude of the Latinos who scurry across the border, (mostly from Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala). Basically, the White man needs a new ni66a. Nevertheless, for those illegal immigrants and their supporters to now claim that they have a right to commit unlawful acts because California, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico were once considered Mexican territory is not necessarily a valid argument.
A friend of mine came to me the other day and told me her story. She is a legal immigrant from South America who is getting married in a few months and her future husband lives in the United States illegally. She said that even if she marries him, the marriage will still not give him legal residency because he smuggled himself in. This guy works hard, pays taxes with a taxpayer ID number, but he can’t get a driver’s license because he snuck across the border. I really feel bad for both of them. She is my friend and I want to see her happy, but I had to tell her that I don’t agree that he should be able to come and commandeer citizenship. Her story is the story of many of the people who are rallying, but I had to be real with her. Are these stories sad and unfortunate? Yes. Does it change my mind? No. Although another story gets a lot less coverage, the Black people of Darfur are being starved and murdered in their villages on a daily basis, and they can’t just walk over here and start working in the fish market to feed their families. They just die.
I won’t dare lie and say that I don’t feel for all people who live in deplorable conditions. The people of Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia and other places are extremely poor, but so are the people of Haiti who are Black and are turned back when they try to enter the great American dream. Why is one group allowed to break the law and another group told to go back home and suck it up? Is that fair? What would happen if a million Haitians marched through downtown Los Angeles? They would probably be rounded up and held as enemy combatants by the Department of Homeland Security.
This is all a crock of caca and folks had better realize it. If you look at the open borders closer, you will find that if the US government really wanted to keep people out, they would make it harder to come in. But they don’t. They don't have the National Guard on the case. There's no Army of one protecting this land. Well technically, there's probably one guy from border patrol being paid to watch the whole damn border while the Marines are over stealing oil from Iraq. Why? Think about it! They want a new nigga because you old niggas got out of control. Some of you got uppity and turned into Negroes while an even smaller, but smarter population of you even climbed the intelligence stairway and found yourselves turning into Black people. Who knew?
Coming Soon: Illegal Immigration - Part III (Can you handle the truth?)
I'mma name my cranium "Waset" cause I've been saying this shyt for decades..
No one should not.. even think.. this Illegal-Immigration situation is similar to what Afro-Americans, Blacks, Negroes, Ni66as had to endure, as we marched for civil-rights.. There were a few "New Ni66as" hired by Caucasians and the word got out,” White Peepus" is hiring.. and all of a sudden the slogan "Run for the Border" has a new meaning.. Identifying Marks, we use to see pictures of Cows, Steers and Horses on the sides of cars, ten years ago or so, driven by Mexicans.. This was Identifying safe-haven emblems for those that illegally crossed the border.. Black America is seen NOT wanting to driving around in blue spray painted cars with dents hammered out with the blue spray painted rims.. Nawl, we like to drive nice cars, chrome rimmed up with sound systems, but wait.. so do those Illegals that has graduated from five families living under one roof, cranking the mariachi CD's sounding like carnival music.. The threat the Black America imposed on White America, has now shifted to legal and Illegal Immigrants.. With political power shifting like fast food servers at restaurants
I think you're troubled by all this Waset. I wonder if anyone else could tell. Anyway, I agree and I am ready to handle the truth about part 3.
Your faithful subscriber #14,
Hey, I'm subscriber number 3242. Marcie must be old as hell. Anyway Waset, I'm just confused as to why many Black people are not speaking up more about this issue. They act like it's not a problem. I wish that some of the Black people who don't think illegal immigration is a problem would have the nerve to get on here and tell me why its not a problem. That's if they can.
Ronald J.
You say some funny shit. DAMN! I feel guilty laughing cause everything you talk about is real spit, but you need your own show - for real. Bill Mahr couldn't handle it girl, he couldn't even handle it. DJ-D, ESQ.
Something told me to check my email on a Saturday night. I'm glad I did. While I have much more to say on this issue than this blog has room for, I will simply say that the old nigga is lost and foolish and may soon be eliminated.
**That burrito picture is the stupidest thing I've seen in 06.
You just get better with time. I can't wait until the next book. I'm down for the Black Revolution cause these niggas have lost they minds.
Hollee Burry
I LOVE your post and you are 100% correct.
My family emigrated from Japan around the turn of the century, completely legally. In spite of the fact they were imprisoned for 4 years during WWII only because they looked like the enemy, they still became citizens when the laws were changed in 1951 that finally allowed them to do so. We lived by the laws of the land, spoke English, became Christians, worked hard and paid taxes.
I'll bet if any of us made a poster we'd spell "Illegal" correctly.
Very Interesting! Thanks..keep it coming..
I'm luvin this blog!
I just wanted to ask what would it take to get WASET a radio show a tv show or newspaper column.
Bush must be on your mailing list. He just authorized the National Guard
to patrol the border. You're on point Waset.
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