The New Edition concert I attended tonight was super spectacular. I'm too tired to provide a full review, but I just want to say that what I saw tonight was real music. All this bull'ish' that is out now needs to be shut down. I don't need to hear ignorance set to music, I really don't! I've been down with New Edition since day one and since I've seen the future (Nelly, Lil Jon, Ying Yang Idiots) I'm sticking with the real deal. If you haven't listened to your NE records in a while, dig them out of the crates and listen - it's like riding a bike. Once you hear Cool It Now, you'll remember the greatness that is, Ralph, Ronnie, Bobby (Johnny), Ricky & Mike.

I'm not really sure why Ralph wore stirrup pants in that video. Not a good look, but ya still my boy!!!
Is that Jamie Foxx in the video?!?!?
Nope, that's Brooke Payne.
You are telling the truth. NE WAS and IS real music. Even my 15 and 14 AND 12 year old sons like the music.
I love NE!!!!
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