Needless to say, there was no check when I went to the mailbox. However, there was a bright colorful flyer in my mailbox from the cable company trying to sell me something. The problem was, the motherfucking flyer was in Spanish. Talk about incensed. Everywhere I go these days, I have to rifle through menus, detergent bottles, billboards, deposit slips and a whole bunch of other shit written in Spanish because the United States has become he world's largest catering business. That’s right, your government has sold you out to the likes of the huge corporations that didn’t get enough by outsourcing your jobs overseas. Nope, they had to import people at such a feverish pace that they didn’t care if laws were broken or if your rights as citizens of this nation were impaled. Illegal aliens are now served. God Bless America!

By now you’re probably thinking, who is really writing this article and what have they done with WASET? Well, I can assure you folks, it’s the same me you knew before, only angrier. I’m angry because I belong to a race that is chock full of idiots. Ok, hold your fire. If you’re not an idiot, we’ll try to sort that out later. If you are an idiot, it’s not like you are alone, so chill out.
Now in writing this, I'm not only upset that I'm spending my Memorial Day holed up in front of my PC, but I'm also unsettled because I have given you a year to think about how illegal immigration and amnesty is going to harm you Negroes and still you have yet to pick up a picket sign or make one phone call to your Congressional bleeders... I mean leaders. (For those of you who have done something, you know I wasn't directing those comments at the 4 of you.) Have you even read the latest proposed Amnesty bill that Bush and the rest of the crackhead illiterates in Washington have said is "not Amnesty?" Oh, how about this, have you at least read an article that gives you a synopsis of the latest proposed Amnesty bill that Bush and the rest of the crackhead illiterates in Washington have said is "not Amnesty?" Do you have any idea how the passing of such a bill will affect you and your children? Turn off the fucking BET and research your future. Por Favor!
And just in case you missed last year's illegal immigration truth telling session by yours truly, click here and scroll's easy. Try it.
That was really good. I am fuc*ing possed as well. Get these damn illegal immigrants the hell out of here!!! I forwarded this to the few people i know who understand this dire situation.
this shows you where the trend (or should i say "consumer interest") is leaning towards.
hold on because the worse is yet to come for those who aren't prepared (trust me on this).
So sad...yet so true. I can't believe the rate at which not only California, but the whole freakin' country is being saturated with all things Mexico. And people call me racist for saying so...but let it be a boat load of Africans. Oh wait...they already did that...I guess they figure "as long as they're cleaning up after us, building up our country, and basically doing everything else that we're to lazy to do...we'll let em' stay". So i guess it's the Mexicans turn to bend their backs...we've done our time. The difference is that we were forced to forget our native language and African names...they, however, get everything in Espanol. Every business has become bilingual. They get catered to and we got whipped.
Queen of Hearts
That was funny & true!!!!! We need reparations!!!!! WASET 4 Prez!!!
That irritates the fuk outta me as well. America doesnt care about us; this country only cares about the next dollar they can make. Our banks are governed by the Federal Reserve which is a privately owned bank. They dont even back the money by gold anymore!!! We are spending paper/loan!!!! I am strongly into politics and this is where I will get my daily dose EVERYDAY!!! ok, i wore out my welcome:)
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